A renowned scholar and practitioner in the field of Organizational Communication, Debbie S. Dougherty (Ph.D. University of Nebraska, 2000) has worked for over 20 years to revolutionize the way we view sexual harassment. A professor at the University of Missouri, Dr. Dougherty's research has been published in several leading publications including Harvard Business Review, Human Relations, Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research,Communication Monographs, Management Communication Quarterly, Journal of Applied Communication Research, and Sex Roles. You may also be familiar with her extensive work as a resource for news sources such as the New York Times, Newsweek, Forbes, and the Oprah Magazine. In addition to her many publications, Dr. Dougherty is also the author of two books: The Reluctant Farmer: An Exploration of Work, Social Class, and the Production of Food and her new book Sexual Harassment in Organizational Culture: A Transformative Approach exploring how organizational culture and sexual harassment interact and influence one another in the workplace.

In addition to her extensive scholarly work and numerous publications, Dr. Dougherty done speaking, training, and development on communication in the workplace; on sexual harassment; and on organizational culture in organizations such as the National Park Service, The United States Army, and the University of Southern California amongst many others. Her unique body of work and fresh perspective on organizational culture has provided a framework for numerous organizations from multiple sectors as they strive to create better workplaces.
Dr. Dougherty’s work as a scholar/consultant has earned her a number of awards, including the NCA Applied Communication Scholar Award, The Jack Kay Award for Engaged Research, the Management Communication Quarterly Article of the Year Award, the Norman K. Denzin Qualitative Research Award, the Excellence in Education Award, and the Gold Chalk Award for graduate student mentoring.

Debbie and her Family own a small Dorper sheep farm in Mid Missouri. Their farm, Whetstone Prairie, is known for its sustainable rotaional grazing practices and parasite resistant sheep. Debbie has written about her farming community in her book, The Reluctant Farmer: An Exploration of Work, Social Class, and the Production of Food.
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