About Debbie S. Dougherty
Professor, consultant, speaker, and farmer, Debbie S. Dougherty (Ph.D. University of Nebraska, 2000) has worked for over 20 years to revolutionize the way we view sexual harassment. A professor at the University of Missouri, Dr. Dougherty's research has been published in several leading publications including Harvard Business Review...

What is Predatory Sexual Harassment?
Predatory sexual harassment is the anaerobic bacteria of organizational life: It is persistent and normalized in the organization; it is diffused across the workplace with multiple targets...
Now Available!
Current solutions to sexual harassment tend to be overly simplistic and overly optimistic. We all want a fast and easy solution to this problem, right? A cursory understanding of the problem does suggest easy, linear solutions: Create a policy. Create training. Create clear reporting structures. If sexual harassment was simply a structural problem, these solutions would have solved it by now. Sexual harassment is not simple. It is not simply structural. It is not just a misunderstanding. Instead, it is complicated. It is woven into the very fabric of many organizational cultures, making it difficult to recognize and even more difficult to manage.